Sunday, 22 November 2009

The Arrival

We waited with baited breath
There was a knock

Before we knew it he had let himself in

Wonky Dog did not really take to him

Liked the equipment



Ready for bed..........
What an exhausting day.
Brought to you in association with
Crafteroo's shop for Children in Need
Hotdog and me
and tremendous effort by

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

colour inspiration

I received this lovely necklace from Planet Button Designs, Folksy Shop, the other day.
I was blown away by it.
Obviously, it was meant for a christmas present but it ended up in my drawer, just cant part with it.
Anyway I am not too good with colours, I sometimes struggle to put things together.
But I was so inspired with the lovely colours on this necklace that I wanted to share it with you.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Monday, 9 November 2009

Sold Already

The brooch that was featured item on Folksy has sold already. They seem to be flying out my shop at the moment. Bit of a busy day today but one new brooch listed.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Featured Item

Oh yippee - just noticed my brooch has been featured on Folksy today. Really Pleased.
Funny but since I have sold a few items this week, my family seem to have more respect for the fact that sometimes I need a bit of me time to craft. Usually as soon as I sit down they suddenly all want my attention.
I had a lovely day yesterday when I received some of the items that I had ordered, every one of them was packaged so nicely and I had some little gifts in with them too. People can be so thoughtful and it really made my day, it gave me a real boost.